Oookie Cookie

Lee Garden Two | Causeway Bay :
Shop 221, Lee Garden Two, Causeway Bay, HK 
Opening hours : 

Mon - Sun 10:30am - 7:30pm


ifc | Central :

Shop 3022A, Podium Level 3, ifc mall, Central
Opening hours : 

Mon - Sun , 10:30am-7:30pm



  • 此禮券只可於禮券上的指定日期或之前使用並取貨。
  • 此禮券不適用於訂製產品,包括Oookie Cookie 之Cookie Pop系列、Icing Cookie 系列及部分蛋糕種類。客人可在消費前,與店內職員查詢。
  • 此禮券只限於Oookie Cookie 及 PIN 實體店及快閃店內使用,不適用於超市專櫃、網上購物平台及網店。請掃描QR Code了解更多店舖資料。
  • 客人須在付款前出示禮券。
  • 每次消費金額不設上限及不限禮券使用數量。結算後貨品金額如低於禮券總值,將不設找續。客人可用現金或適用之電子貨幣補回賬單與禮券差額。
  • 使用禮券購買之貨品不設退換。
  • 每張禮券只可使用一次,使用後會被收回。恕不接受相片、影印本、不完整或過期之禮券。
  • 被毁壞、遺失、或過期之禮券將不獲重發。
  • 此禮券不可兌換現金,亦不可與其它優惠、推廣、禮券、商場禮券或現金券同時一同使用。
  • 此禮券不允許任何形式的轉售或作任何商業式推廣用途。
  • Oookie Cookie 及 PIN 保留權利修改本條款及細則而不作另行通知。如有任何爭議,Oookie Cookie 及 PIN 保留最終決定權。
  • 本條款及細則以中文版本為凖,如與英文之譯本有任何分歧,一概以中文版本為凖。

  • This voucher is valid until the date stated. Order must be picked up on or before the date stated.
  • This voucher is not applicable to items from Oookie Pop Collection, Icing Pop Collection and selected cakes. Please ask our staff for details. 
  • This voucher could be redeemed in shop only. It is not applicable on shopping in supermarket kiosk, counter, online food ordering platforms and online shop. Please scan QR code for shop details.
  • Customers should present this voucher to our staff upon checkout. 
  • There is no limit on the number of voucher used in a single purchase. No change will be given if the purchase total is less than the total monetary value of voucher(s). If purchase total is greater than voucher value, the difference could be paid by cash, credit card or any forms of electronic payments available in shop.
  • No exchange or refund would be made for the products purchased with voucher(s).
  • This voucher can be redeemed once only. Photocopy, photo or damaged voucher will not be accepted.
  • We are not responsible if a Voucher is lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed and no replacement will be provided in these circumstances.
  • This voucher is non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash in part or full. It is not valid during sale or in conjunction with any special promotion.
  • This voucher is not allowed for resale by any means and cannot be used for any commercial or promotional purposes without the prior written approval of Oookie Cookie and PIN.
  • Oookie Cookie and PIN reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of this voucher without notice. Maxim’s reserves the right of the final decision in case of any dispute.

The Chinese version of the terms and conditions of this voucher prevails if any discrepancy exists between the Chinese and English versions.